50 Tips from Ty

  1. Have dreams in life

  2. Seize the day

  3. Do your best to not bad mouth others even when you feel its necessary

  4. Call someone instead of texting them

  5. Take a second and calm down

  6. Be thankful for life

  7. Go to bed happy

  8. Be a weirdo

  9. Stand up for the right thing even when its scary

  10. Drink tea when your sick

  11. Listen to all types of music except crap

  12. Don’t ever front your true self

  13. Respond to present actions, don’t fixate on the next thought

  14. Laugh at yourself

  15. Call your Grandma

  16. Dance

  17. Know when to “open a can of worms

  18. Do a backflip (you don’t understand bro)

  19. Keep the butter in the fridge unless you wanna spread it on your toast

  20. Floss or your bitch-ass gonna have cavities in between your teeth

  21. Open your windows every now and then for the day

  22. Throw grease away not down the drain

  23. Understand unrealistic optimism

  24. Have role models (in your life or not)

  25. Find methods to calm down when under lots of pressure

  26. Be mindful of others (everybody has their own situations and personalities)

  27. Drink water when anxious

  28. Embrace your identity

  29. Practice what you preach

  30. Commit to love

  31. Smile more often

  32. Sweat out the stress

  33. Try to eat foods you know you don’t like

  34. Stretch with light weights before every workout

  35. Don’t be a “know-it-all”, be okay with being wrong

  36. Take the train when going out drinking

  37. Find instances where conversations with strangers feel as if you’re already friends

  38. Self-reflect and own up

  39. Dust your shelves and fans monthly

  40. Eat enough and make sure you’re getting your nutrition

  41. Get blood done at least once a year

  42. “One more for the quitters and fakers”

  43. Don’t dwell on the past

  44. Be unbiased and unpredictable - just react

  45. Wipe your knives with a paper towel after spreading butter or sauce before the sink

  46. Practice friendly small talk (barber, uber driver, cashier, etc)

  47. Eat whole fruits

  48. Keep mouthwash in the car

  49. Sock-notes

  50. “Mind over matter”

Ty Steinbrunner

Hello! This is Ty!

I like to write outrageous stories, spew art, and create miscellaneous whatnots. Share my junk or suffer my wrath!


“I Know Where Hot Dogs Come From” - A Satirical, Short Story


BULKING LESSONS 101: Dawn of the Giant