What to do, When you aint Feeling You

As I begin this post I want to share with you that I’m eating pizza and drinking soda past seven ‘o clock. It’s a freakin party over here.

What I think is so remarkable about humanity, and the biggest thing separating us apart from Earth’s other creatures is personality. As for your dog who has an Instagram page, I guess you can group him with the rest of us “people” too.

On a serious note, and I suppose more so lately, I’ve found myself feeling a little funky and I don’t mean funky in a cool way. Recently, I’ve felt stressed and like someone has been chewing on my head. It’s midterms, works crazy, and I’m trying to make sure I’m eating consistently. What has been helping is just calming down and taking a second to chill.

Life is a present moment. Make the present peaceful.

Even when life seems to be all said and good, as humans, it is completely normal to feel down. We all have off days. The problem arises when you start to have “off weeks” and so on. Depression, regardless if it’s long-term or “seasonal”, can creep up on any one of us.

I will stand by it and say I’ve been depressed. Some days just suck and they kick you in the nuts. From experience, I want to share what I personally do to “buck up” and feel prideful again.

A lot of the time, when feeling depressed and sad, people can find themselves facing self-destruction. Beating yourself up because you don’t like yourself, or because you’re mad at life problems does nothing but dig yourself deeper into a pit of fire.

Everyone is unique and everyone has something to show for. Think about what you like. Personally, I love watching cartoons and reading comics. I can crack myself up by drawing a funny picture or making a crappy joke. It’s these little things that I embrace and make a part of my life.

Something that I’ve encouraged people to do is embraced their hobbies and interests. Embracing what you love to do and building somewhat of a passion around that allows you to have something to identify with.

When I was 15 and going into Highschool I felt that I wanted something new to discover. I soon found skateboarding to be my thing. To this day I skate, and though I’ve never been super good, skateboarding is one of the most important things in my life. I never got into it because it was a fad. I just seriously wanted something new and cool to absorb myself in.

I know more pro skateboarders than NFL players and that's okay. Maybe I don’t always relate with my friends who like football but I have something else to share with them.

Show off your interests and hobbies. By projecting outward what you are into, people will recognize it and those with similar interests will gravitate toward you.

You are an interesting person. Don’t go seeking. Attract through action. Everyone has wonderful and unique talents. Embrace what you love, share it with someone, and I promise that you will find more happiness in your life.

Ty Steinbrunner

Hello! This is Ty!

I like to write outrageous stories, spew art, and create miscellaneous whatnots. Share my junk or suffer my wrath!


A “White man can Jump” and it makes him Feel Good


Untitled Post #1