
I just want to first say how excited I am to start setting up my blog site. Right now I’m a little overwhelmed with ideas on what to talk about. I don’t want anyone to think that this is a website purely dedicated to working out or fitness talk, some of it is, but all in all, it’s just stuff about my life and things I think are worth sharing.

That being, I want to get real serious (no jokes at all so before you keep reading any further let it be known this is REAL talk man. Boogers). Time to set the ground floor in terms of advice posts.

I want you to imagine yourself as a glob of clay.

This glob of clay can be shaped or contorted or arranged in any way that you feel is right. If you're gonna have fun with your clay you’ll create something amazing regardless of the effect you had on it. If you’re the kind of person who just likes having a good time, who maybe just goes with the flow; keep it up. Keep owning the moment.

If you’re the kind of person to plan out your “make” or maybe you’re the kind of person who finds comfort in the organization - do that.

I think the problem people have with their clay is that everyone just wants to make the same thing. Everyone wants to make generic clay bowls. Maybe some of them have lids. Either way, people continue to mimic and follow each other because it appears to be the safe thing to do.

Going to college, getting married, living and dying in your hometown, staying at that job, moving across the world, eating the same things. Again these are all choices that you’ve made - you made them.

I want to say it again. I’m not preaching to go and do the opposite of whatever status quo applies to you. I guess I just seriously value individualism. I’m not saying that you should go and blow off many of these things (wonderful or not). I just don’t think people deserve the pressure of these things just because everyone else is doing them. Mold your own clay.

Important note: If you’re gonna be rough or negligent with your clay, it’ll show and soon dry out.

“You reap what you sow.”

I remember in just about every art class I’ve ever had the teacher always encouraged playing with the clay first. Consider it like life; take your time and enjoy it. Have fun and be bold in your choices. Be spontaneous. Try things out. Remember life is a continuous, present moment. And your clay is always wet.

Ty Steinbrunner

Hello! This is Ty!

I like to write outrageous stories, spew art, and create miscellaneous whatnots. Share my junk or suffer my wrath!

Untitled Post #1


“I Know Where Hot Dogs Come From” - A Satirical, Short Story